The prevention: It is information clause from a site under the name "DARK MATTER DETERMINES HEALTH And PURPOSE of LIFE of MANKIND". It not the educational information. It is supposed, that the reader even is a little familiar with a vast scientific problem of study of a nature of a dark matter. The sight on it for the first time is submitted in concepts of the new concept of a structure of a matter developed on the basis of opening of the reason of primary quantization of masses in the world of elementary particles This concept makes possible to consider the microworld in concepts of simple images of the world of our scale. Therefore understanding of essence of a matter, including dark, becomes popular. It - more than seriously. Therefore, before to read this section, please, familiarize with introduction to a site and its contents.
From positions of the represented scientific concept based at jobs, which summaries are submitted in special section, the answer to a question on a nature of a dark matter is represented clear. The development of the mentioned concept was made under the circuit, in which structure of the micro world were compared to structures, which, in the final bill, should be formed in space as a result of expansion of objects consisting of substance of the previous gradation.
But first of all I shall note, that light, from positions of the represented concept, is process of redistribution of flows of the unified objects of the submicroworld. Object accepting light, attaches to itself a flow (named in the given job by a tract) from environmental space under condition of observance of synchronization, that is the basic reason of quantization in a nature. Thus the cross speed of tracts, which units, in particular, make a basis of nucleons, should be much less speed of light. It means, that the process of transfer of light is close to wave, but not in a motionless ether, and in physical vacuum of a dynamic type. It allows to represent the microworld without introduction of concept photon, meaning concrete object. Taking into account stated, at the further study of the microworld photon is allowable to consider not as an elementary particle, and only by mathematical model having limited area of use. Thus an opportunity of a unequivocal explanation of essence of light and phenomena occurring between material systems for the first time is formed which move from each other (physical substantiation of a principle of a relativity).
The dark matter includes all nucleons of the previous gradation of substance. The particles of the previous gradation of substance are opposite symmetric in relation to particles of substance of our gradation. Having gravitation, the objects of substance of the previous gradation can not have electromagnetic interactions and will be invisible until the objects representing units of tracts (elementary particles of our gradation of a matter, and then and their connection) will appear. The separate are not units and, hence, are invisible. The objects of the submicroworld, driven in tracts, have kinetic energy and push away units, which they connect, i.e. elementary particles of a matter of our gradation. Therefore field of tracts which are included in a basis of physical vacuum, should have energy, which it is possible to name by dark energy.
Dark matter should be in some times more, than matter of our gradation. The essence in that, is the bases to believe, that the matter of all previous cycles of development of the universe also shows itself in processes accompanying with gravitation.
It is important to note, that we even now are the witnesses of grandiose processes processes of transformation of a matter of the previous gradation in a matter of our gradation, in particular, shown by a luminescence quasar and occurrence of new stars from elementary particles of our gradation of substance, which is formed in the field of a congestion of a dark matter.
The return transformations can occur in astronomical objects named " as black holes ". Falling in black holes the substance of our gradation consisting of knots of tracts, breaks up in tracts. The black holes can reduce weight letting out tracts. Tracts expire from black holes with the rather large speed exceeding section of capture for connection in knots. Therefore their knots, which actually are elementary particles of a matter of our gradation, can be formed only on significant distances from black holes, after decrease of longitudinal speed of movement of tracts.
Now it is impossible to exclude from consideration a hypothesis that the objects of other category of a dark matter can be close on the sizes with the sizes of the appropriate objects of a seen matter, but are invisible owing to the too large difference of frequencies of following unified objects in their tracts from frequencies in tracts of seen our matter. They are invisible because of impossibility of direct interaction in view of infringement of synchronization. However such interaction can occur in strong electromagnetic fields to frequencies, which are multiple to differences of frequencies of following unified objects in various categories of a matter. The experiments in this direction in view of the mentioned theoretical base can specify validity of such hypothesis.
The answers to other problem questions to physics from positions of the new concept you will find under this link.