<<<<<<< PARADISE >>>>>>>
Before reading of this unit it is necessary carefully to familiarize with introduction to a site with which from is closely connected.
Usually as
paradise name a place, where the happy life and pleasure of the
staying there people is provided. Thus the life in paradise is
supposed eternal and without, inherent to terrestrial life,
misfortunes and torments. There are myths and assumptions, that
in paradise the people or their souls can reach after death, if
they deserve it.
to the submitted concept which has been not connected with what
by religion, with paradise it is possible to compare area of life
of a civilization of the reasonable
inhabitants of the submicroworld.
This paradise
is man-made because it is created by its inhabitants. Similar
paradise can construct for itself and people, if will concern
with kind feelings and understanding to all existing. In such
paradise can take place: good conditions of existence of the
inhabitants, pleasant life of the inhabitants filled by search on
all universe, creativity and pleasure of mutual aid.
In paradise
to get or to create man-made paradise it is impossible if to
destroy itself or created by others, what purposes it would not
be justified by. In paradise the selectors, creators, founders or
assisting by him with love are necessary only.