Vladimir Tolkachov

We should recognize, that now human idea not can give of the detailed description of a physical embodiment of the submicroworld. For this purpose it is necessary or to receive huge quantity of the information from it, or very much far to predict development of mankind in the universe. First is unreal whereas the submicroworld will not wish to present us a lot of information on the device, as it can stop development of the universe because of recurrence of structures of its constructions. Second is complicated by that the engineering and social arrangement of mankind in the universe is in a rudimentary condition. Now it is possible to consider the following four variants of areas for life of the subjects of a civilization of the reasonable inhabitants of the submicroworld, which can exist simultaneously.

1. Variant of construction of area of life on planets rotating around of stars, with parameters, which are close to parameters of a planet the Earth (in relation to the subjects of the submicroworld). At high enough development of a science parameters of an atmosphere, hydrosphere and other characteristics of these planets can be corrected under required for life of the inhabitants of the submicroworld. Around of many stars some such manned planets can rotate.Lack of such system is rather small operating ratio of energy of a star. Advantage of such system is a variety made in rather a plenty of substance of planets. In figure is shown as around of a star 1 on orbits 2 three planets 3 rotate.
2. Variant of construction of area for life of the inhabitants of the submicroworld in an environment consisting of the artificial companions of stars - of manned space structures (ISS). In this variant is used in billions times more energy, than in variant 1. Thus two main tasks should be solved. The first task - to ensure stability of movement in such environment. She is solved by unification of masses and other power parameters ISS. The second task - task of maintenance of a variety of life in ISS. This task is solved by development of communications between ISS and other systems outside of an environment. In figure the environment from ISS 2 around of a star 1 is shown.
3. Variant of construction of area for life of the inhabitants of the submicriworld on objects located in open space far from stars. In this variant each of these objects has the atmosphere, open or closed by a thin environment, and own individual basic source of light energy. The given circuit can appear rational at development of systems of variant 2 with use of a material of the removed heavy planets and removed asteroids. In figure the objects 1 are shown, around of which on orbits 3 the individual sources of light energy 2 rotate.
4. Variant of construction of area for life inside ISS, driven in open space in tracts. These pathes connect systems around of stars and form knots, which are elementary particles of our matter. The rather high contents of a so-called dark matter in space specifies the rather large settling of space. Taking into account it, it is possible to assume, that the subjects of a civilization of the submicroworld basically live in ISS, taking place in tracts. ISS carry out exchange connections lengthways tracts, and in knots of pathes representing elementary particles - between tracts. In figure are shown: 1 - open space (for the submicroworld); 2 -tracts, consisting from groups ISS; 3 - knot of pathes - elementary particle.


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