Vladimir Tolkachov

The prevention: It not is the educational information. It - more than seriously. Before to read this section, please, familiarize with introduction and contents of site, which part this section is by.

On the basis of works, which summaries are submitted in special section, now with the large reliability the following is possible firmly to believe:

Muons are particles of the microworld, which were generated for exchange connection between only two basic tracts consisting of the following by chains of groups, consisting from 12 unified objects of the submicroworld. Ìþîí is true is elementary in the sense that to divide it into particles, which would have having three spatial coordinates it is impossible, because pathes essence extended objects, and at any the approximations cannot be considered them as points!

Mez-.gif (55294 bytes)

The reason of exchange connection between tracts is a relative variety between material systems. A variety is a basis of all without any exception of processes in the universe. A relative variety between tracts is increased at increase of a corner between tracts.

On the submitted above dynamic circuit the process of an exchange in muon between two crossed basic tracts consisting of groups of unified objects of the submicroworld is shown. The participation in this process of auxiliary tracts is shown also, that is necessary under the classical laws of the mechanics. Other structural components, in particular, 4 auxiliary tracts and trajectories of their movement, and also trajectory of counter movement on the given circuit are not shown. The important feature of structure of muon, as well as of other elementary particles, is that the routes of tracts during a mutual exchange some time are beside on a spiral. The parameters of this spiral define spin of a particle and its polarisation.

The answers to other problem questions to physics from positions of the new concept you will find under this link.


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